Marshall Ross

Co-Founder & President

When I first started billing after finishing residency I would shake my head in frustration as I spent countless hours blindly wading through tedious paperwork. I co-founded ResolvMD to help provide meaningful insights, transparency and time savings for myself and my colleagues.

Posted By Marshall Ross

How to Improve Emergency Physician Efficiency

How to Improve Emergency Physician Efficiency

As patient volumes increase and health care resources become ever more stretched, it is now more important than ever that we as emergency physicians learn to practice with a high degree of efficiency without sacrificing the quality of our care. After reviewing the literature, speaking with a large number of physicians and reflecting, here are what I believe to be the best ways to improve your on shift efficiency:

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How ResolvMD Improved Its Medical Billing Service

How ResolvMD Improved Its Medical Billing Service

I can still remember when I was first taught how to bill. Every doctor who taught me seemed to have their own unique interpretation of the schedule of medical benefits. I witnessed enormous practice variation with dramatic differences in code selection and subsequent pay for the delivery of very similar patient care.

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