Emergency Medicine

Learn about the best medical billing practices, using modern technologies, and other tips for improving efficiency in emergency medicine.

The Most Common Medical Billing Inaccuracies And a Solution For Them

Medical Billing Inaccuracies - A Problem for Residents and Physicians Alike

Medical billing is an essential component of any successful medical practice. Unescapable for any medical professional, medical billing can, unfortunately, pose a multitude of challenges to physicians, which results in mistakes, missed charges, and frustration. Whether you are a new resident or an experienced staff physician, new research has shown that no one is immune to the most common billing errors like inaccurate coding and underbilling.

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How to Improve Emergency Physician Efficiency

How to Improve Emergency Physician Efficiency

As patient volumes increase and health care resources become ever more stretched, it is now more important than ever that we as emergency physicians learn to practice with a high degree of efficiency without sacrificing the quality of our care. After reviewing the literature, speaking with a large number of physicians and reflecting, here are what I believe to be the best ways to improve your on shift efficiency:

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